When you can't spend a single minute, there is no time to stand by the stove. In this case, TM "TERRA" comes to the rescue. A diverse range of instant cereals will help diversify breakfasts, have a hearty lunch and a delicious dinner. Yellow pea porridge with pork deserves special attention.
Muesli riche en protéines (23% de protéines) et gourmand avec ses éclats de noix de cajou et d'amandes.
Faible en sucres : 2 g de sucres pour 100 g
Avoine et soja origine France
Céréales complètes
100% végétal
Liste d’ingrédients courte
Mode d’emploi :
À verser dans un bol avec du lait ou une boisson végétale, pour le petit-déjeuner ou le goûter.
Ingrédients : Flocons de soja*35 %, flocons d’avoine*, flocons de seigle*, noix de cajou en éclats* 6%, amandes en éclats* 4%, graines de tournesol*, billettes de riz*.
*Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture bio. Peut contenir des traces d’autres fruits à coque et de lait.
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g
Energie : 1717 kJ / 411 kcal
Matières grasses : 17 g (dont acides gras saturés : 2,5 g)
Glucides : 35 g (dont sucres : 2 g)
Fibres alimentaires : 13 g
Protéines : 23 g
Sel : 0,05 g
100% Végétal:Oui
Format:325g, 800g, 5kg
Sesampasten, unser Großhandel bietet nicht nur erstklassige Tahina, sondern auch eine breite Palette an Hülsenfrüchten, Saaten und weiteren orientalischen Köstlichkeiten wie Falafel und Hummus.
Sesampasten, Entdecken Sie die reine und geröstete Sesampaste (Tahina) von SoleilFOOD – Ihre ideale Begleitung für eine vitaminreiche und vielseitige Küche! Unsere Tahina wird in der orientalischen Küche hochgeschätzt und ist eine Schlüsselzutat für die Zubereitung von Hummus (Kichererbsenmus) sowie eine köstliche Beilage zu Fleisch-, Fischgerichten und Salaten.
Tahina ist nicht nur ein Dip, sondern auch ein leckerer Brotaufstrich, Dressing und Sauce. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Geschmack und den zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten bereichert sie Ihre kulinarischen Kreationen.
Płatki migdałów, tak jak i same migdały, są bogate w składniki odżywcze. Zawierają witaminy, minerały, białko i błonnik tym samym maja działanie prozdrowotne.Mają dużą zawartość zdrowych tłuszczów nienasyconych. Tłuszcze nienasycone są niezbędnym składnikiem zdrowej diety. Uważa się, że ich regularne spożywanie może obniżyć ogólny poziom cholesterolu.Migdały są bogate w witaminę E, znany antyoksydant, substancję, która zatrzymuje procesy utleniania, tym samym udrażnia żyły i przeciwdziała chorobom serca oraz spowalnia starzenie się komórek. Uważa się, że migdały przyczyniają się do utrzymania zdrowych kości poprzez zawarte w swoim składzie: wapń, magnez, mangan, miedź, witaminę K, białko i cynk. Ponadto migdały zawierają: witaminy z grupy B, błonnik i fosfor. <strong>Skład:</strong> migdały <strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2489kJ/602kcal - 30% RWS*Tłuszcz 50,6g - 72%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 3,9g - 20%Węglowodany 9,5 - 4%w tym cukry 5g - 6%Bi
Hard Red Wheat Grade 3 is a unique variety of wheat offered by EG Export and Import, known for its distinct characteristics that set it apart from other grades. This wheat does not meet the standards for U.S. grades 1 through 5, as it contains more than four stones and a combination of animal filths, castor beans, crotalaria seeds, glass, stones, and unknown foreign substances. Despite these factors, it is a valuable commodity for specific uses, especially where its unique properties are required. The wheat originates from the USA and is characterized by a 1000 kernel weight of 30-32, protein content of 11% to 13%, and a moisture content of 12% max. It also features a wet gluten content of 26% min and a dry gluten content of 10% min, making it suitable for specific industrial applications.
This wheat is particularly noted for its stale, sour, and commercially objectionable foreign odor, which may be a consideration for certain buyers. However, its nutritional profile, including a protein content of 11% to 13% and a water absorption rate of 76% min, makes it a viable option for specialized markets. The wheat is processed with a focus on maintaining its unique characteristics, ensuring that it meets the specific needs of its target market. EG Export and Import is committed to providing this wheat with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, making it a reliable choice for those in need of this specific grade of wheat.
Our DANA TINS comes in tins of 400gr, 900gr, as well as 2500gr sizes.
Our DANA SACHETS comes in 15gr and 20gr packages
Our DANA POUCHES OF 400, 900, 1.8, & 2250 GRAMS
This is a great family size product that brings our finest quality milk powder to your market.
Our FCMP and IFCMP is made from pure, fresh cow’s milk. The milk powder is produced through a High Temperature Spray Dry process. The powder, when mixed again with water, carries the original, pure-homogenous, and full taste of fresh milk.
As a healthy and economical replacement for full cream milk, our FFMP and IFFMP are produced by mixing vegetable fat with our top quality skimmed milk powder. The product is mainly used in various confectioneries, bakery, and other industries as well as being used as a healthy drink-mix milk substitute.
L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
Haferflocken Bio: Haferflocken worden aus der Haferpflanze (Avena sativa) gewonnen. Die Pflanze ist etwa 1,2 Meter hoch. Hafer ist in Südosteuropa und Südostasien beheimatet und wird seit 7000 v. Chr. als Getreide angebaut. Haferflocken enthalten viele Kohlenhydrate und Eiweiß und sind daher ein weit verbreitetes Produkt bei der Zubereitung eines Frühstücks. Produktionsprozess von Hafer. Nach der Ernte wird das Haferkorn zunächst gewaschen und von der Schale befreit, diese äußeren Hüllblätter des Korns sind nicht essbar. Dann werden die Körner erhitzt und in Stücke geschnitten. Die geschnittenen Stücke werden dann zusammengefügt und bilden das Haferflocken. Gesundheitliche Eigenschaften von Haferflocken: Haferflocken enthalten viele Ballaststoffe und haben eine wohltuende Wirkung auf den Verdauungstrakt. Darüber hinaus enthalten Haferflocken viele langsame Kohlenhydrate, die dafür sorgen, dass der Körper länger Energie erfährt
Instant oat flakes, instant vegetable cream, granulated sugar, sea salt, dried raspberries.
Method of preparation: the contents of the Package pour 80-160 ml of boiling water. Mix thoroughly, cover. After 3-5 minutes, the porridge is ready for use.
The product does not require cooking.
Proteins (g / 100g):8,0
Fats (g / 100g):12,0
Carbohydrates (g / 100g):65,0
Energy value (kcal / 100g):400,0
Une boisson 100% gourmande, saine et responsable à base de grains torréfiés de chicorée, orge, épeautre et sarrasin. Un délicieux goût de pain toasté, céréales caramélisées et noisettes grillées.
150g pour 20 boissons minimum
Instant oatmeal with flax seeds. Flax, which is part of it, contains three types of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega3, Omega6 and Omega9), the right balance of which is necessary for all vital processes of the human body. Contains gluten. May contain traces of mustard.
Size:65*90*170 mm
WEIGHT:500 g
Instant organic cut oatmeal flakes by Firma DІAMANT LTD, LLC manufactured according to TU U 15.6-13929625-001:2011.
For the manufacture we use Certified organic oatmeal that has been double purified, which eliminates the presence of flower films in the finished product.
The use of very gentle grinding and steaming modes helps to save the maximum amount of useful nutrients in the product. Preservatives and artificial nutritional supplements are not used in the production of the product.
Flakes do not need cooking.
Ingredients: organic cut oatmeal flakes.
Type of packaging: polypropylene package, carton box
Energy value (calorie) per 100 g of product: 1445 kJ (345 kcal ).
Weight:500 gr
Quantity of boxes in package:16
La glace au yaourt est incontournable. Douce et légèrement acidulée, elle se marie merveilleusement aussi bien avec d'autres sorbets mais également avec des fruits frais entiers, du coulis ou même des biscuits sablés.
Nos glaces et sorbets sont élaborés dans notre atelier selon nos recettes originales en employant exclusivement des ingrédients nobles et sélectionnés. Nous n'employons ni colorants ni arômes. Vous retrouverez donc dans nos glaces et sorbets le gout de ce qu'ils contiennent.
Faire de vraies bonnes glaces et sorbets, c'est simple. Il suffit d'imaginer de bonnes recettes, d'utiliser des ingrédients authentiques et de qualité et d'y mettre beaucoup de passion!
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100g Energie 950kJ / 226kcal, Matières grasses 6,5g, Dont acides gras saturés 4,6g, Glucides 44g, Dont sucres 36g, Proteines 0,8g, Sel 0,02g
Conditionnement:pot de 0,6L
DDM:12 mois
We are one of the leading merchants of grains and oilseeds, we connects producers and users of grains and oilseeds
around the globe. We operate on an integrated global basis to source, store, trade, process and distribute grains and
oilseeds including wheat, corn, oilseeds, barley and sorghum, as well as vegetable oils and meals.
We have a broad global presence in grain origination, shipping and processing, offering a range of farmer
services and risk management solutions, and have significant expertise in handling identity preserved and
differentiated products.
For more information do get back to us .
Dieses Bio Erdmandelmehl zeichnet sich durch seine hohe Qualität und den leckeren, lieblich-nussigen Geschmack aus. Die Erdmandel ist eine Pflanze, die sowohl im Mittelmeerraum als auch in Teilen Afrikas angebaut wird. Die zu den Zyperngräsern gehörende Erdmandel ist auch als Tigernuss oder Chufanuss bekannt und verdankt Ihren Namen den Wurzelknollen, deren Geschmack an Mandeln erinnert. Beim Backen setzt die nussige Note aromatische Akzente, sodass Nüsse in Kuchen und Gebäck durch Erdmandelmehl ausgetauscht werden können. Durch den süßlichen Geschmack empfiehlt sich Erdmandelmehl auch ideal zur Zubereitung von Süßspeisen, Snacks und Desserts. In Milch aufgelöst ist das Erdmandelmehl ein Milchersatz für die vegane Ernährung.
Bei Bio-Produkten: DE-ÖKO-006
Verpackung:12,5 kg Säcke
Full Cream Milk Powder (FCMP) is a spray dried product, derived from fresh pasteurized high quality whole cow’s milk by removal of water. FCMP has the same advantages & benefits as liquid whole fat milk, however in dried form it has a much longer shelf life. It has a high nutritive value. It can be used in many food applications, like: bakery, confectionery, yoghurt, milk drinks, ice cream, pastry, desserts, chocolate, sauces, soups, dressings, coffee whitening etc.
Milk Powder type
Dried Whole Milk Powder / Full Cream Milk Powder
Shelf life
12 - 18 Months (For Non-gas flushed packaging)
24 Months (For gas flushed packaging)
Production / MOQ / Export Market
5000 KG per Day
MOQ - 25MT 40ft Container / 21MT 20ft Container
Shipment worldwide
The composition of buckwheat flour is rich in useful macroelements and microelements. Buckwheat flour also contains a lot of vitamins such as E, C, PP and B vitamins.
Color: Brown:Package: Paper bags
Coconut milk is made by grating fresh coconut meat and then soaking it in hot water. This separates the milk from the oil, which floats to the top and is skimmed off. Coconut milk is extracted from the remaining liquid
ORIGINS:Sri Lanka or Philippines
We offer wheat flour from the best Ukrainian farmers. The products are ready for export and meet all technical conditions, which is confirmed by certificates of quality and conformity.
Packaging: 1 kg, 2 kg and 5 kg
Country of manufacture: Ukraine
Label: From manufacturer or Private label
Composition (per 100 g)
Calories, kcal: 342
Proteins, g: 9.2
Fats, g: 1.2
Carbohydrates, g: 74.9
Wheat flour of the highest grade is characterized by the smallest particle size – no more than 40 microns – and the almost complete absence of fiber and particles of the shell of each grain. This makes the flour very soft and airy, but from a dietary point of view, this variety is the least useful. It contains a lot of calories, which are in no way compensated by fiber, but are neighbors with gluten. For all their culinary appeal, products made from high-grade wheat flour are delicacies with very little benefit.
Packaging – from 1 kg, any packaging design is possible.
Millet is one of the most ancient cultivated plants in Eurasia. Millet firstly began to be cultivated about 7000 years ago, and this is a valuable cereal crop. Grain (called millet) is used to make soups, cereals and other culinary products; is a valuable feed for poultry. The growing season is from 60 to 120 days. The plant is thermophilic and resistant to drought, as well as to salinization of the soil, but does not tolerate acidic soils. The yield of 1417 centners per hectare. Straw and green mass are used as livestock feed. In Russia, it is cultivated mainly in the arid regions of the Volga and Central Black Earth regions. Virtually gluten free, therefore, it can be recommended for people suffering from celiac disease, a congenital disease caused by protein intolerance to some cereal crops. Millet stimulates blood formation. Millet porridge is indicated for hypertension and diseases of the cardiovascular system.
White Rice
Long-Grain Rice
Cultivation Type
Broken Ratio (%)
Max. Moisture (%)
Admixture (%)
Crop Year
BRCGS, HACCP, GHPs, TLS8001 and TTM (Thailand Trust Mark)
Place of Origin
Brand Name
Excel rice , Excel Dragon and Excel Elephant or Private brand